Weekly Roundup February 14 2014

Mississippi Online Gaming Bill Dies
A bill that would have allowed online poker and casinos games in Mississippi died in committee this week. The Mississippi Lawful Internet Gambling Act of 2014 failed to make it out of committee for a third straight year. Mississippi is a casino destination for players across the South. Resorts may be found in Biloxi, Tunica, Philadelphia and Gulfport. Similar bills in nine other states are expected to be considered during this year’s legislative session.
Full Tilt Poker Payments Begin
The Garden City Group, claims administrator for U.S. Full Tilt Poker payments, reported test payments have begun. Players may notice small deposits in their bank account. These transactions are being processed to ensure that player bank accounts where payments have been requested are valid. Payments are expected to be completed by the end of February. Updates will be posted by the Garden City Group at the Fulltiltpokerclaims.com website.
WSOP Satellites Launch
WSOP.com has launched satellites to this summer’s World Series of Poker. These satellites start at just $1. The full schedule was also announced this week. The $10,000 Main Event will guarantee a first prize of at least $10 million.
Two Street Hold’em Test Delayed
Ultimate Poker tested its Two Street Hold’em live at its Las Vegas office this week. The test was a success, but the product did not go live this weekend as expected. Ultimate Poker will announce a new schedule for its trial period in the near future on its Twitter account @ultimatepoker.