Weekly Roundup July 31 2015

Full Tilt Makes Drastic Changes to Cash Games
Full Tilt announced major changes to its cash games this week. Players are no longer able to choose exact tables to sit at when looking for cash game action at Full Tilt. Players choose the limit and the software automatically finds a table for that player. The software now balances tables as games become shorthanded and opens new ones as demand increases, just like a live poker room does.
Heads up cash game tables were completely removed. This was due to the overwhelming issue with bumhunting at these tables. This means players that will only play weaker opponents. This caused the lobby to show dozens of tables with one player seated because experienced players would not give each other action. All were waiting for fish. Full Tilt determined that new players that gave heads up cash game action lost quickly and often never returned.
Full Tilt also removed Stud, Draw, and mixed games from the lobby. This was due to a lack of traffic. Nosebleed limits were also dropped, as was the ability to observe cash games.
Bizarre Winning Poker Network Marketing of $5 Million Guarantee Series
A rumor started about the Winning Poker Network’s $1 million guaranteed Sunday tournaments that will be held this fall. The network even went so far as to make a press release when the rumor was not widely known. Then, the network posted a page on its website with the URL including “unreleased promotions” and “for internal use only” in it and leaked it.
Each tournament listed on that page shows a $540 buyin and a $1 million guarantee. First place wins $200,000. It will be held all Sundays in October and September 13.
Party Poker Drops Fees on Some Withdrawals
Players have complained for two years about withdrawal fees that were added to most withdrawals at Party Poker. Fees were also charged for most players when withdrawing from WPT Poker when it closed. Party Poker listened to player complained and removed withdrawal fees from credit card, debit card, and bank transfers. Kalixa Pay, goplay prepaid MasterCard, ClickandBuy and PayPal were already free. At this time, there is still a fee for withdrawing to other ewallets.