April 2016 U.S. Offshore Online Poker Payment Processing Report

The overall payment processing by U.S. offshore sites slowed in the past month. This gave us a new number one. While some sites dropped slightly, the speeds are still faster compared to historical numbers, especially considering the time of year.
Las month’s report may be found here. Last month’s grades are in parenthesis.
Intertops/Juicy Stakes A+ (A)
Intertops takes the top spot for the first time in the five years we have published the U.S. Offshore Online Poker Payment Processing Report. Intertops and its sister site Juicy Stakes are members of a ring-fenced part of the Revolution Gaming Network.
The fastest way to receive a cashout from Intertops is by Bitcoin. There are processed in a day or two. The added bonus for Bitcoin withdrawals is that there is never a fee. That makes Intertops the only U.S. offshore poker site that always has a free withdrawal option available more than one time a month. The maximum withdrawal amount by Bitcoin is $2,500 per week.
Checks are delivered by Intertops in 5-7 days. The maximum withdrawal amount is $3,000. The fee is $50 but players that rake at least $40 in a month may receive a free one.
Bank wires are processed in 1-2 weeks. The maximum withdrawal amount is $2,500. The fee is also $50 in addition to what is charged by banks processing the transaction.
Intertops will send a bank transfer to U.S. players through a debit card. The maximum amount is $5,000. These are processed in about one week. The fee is $20.
BetOnline A (A)
BetOnline is the flagship on the Chico Poker Network. It continues to offer fast cashout to players.
The quickest way to receive a withdrawal from BetOnline is by Bitcoin. These are processed in about one day. The fee is 1-2%. The maximum amount is $5,000.
BetOnline will send a check to players in amounts up to $2,500. A money order is sometimes substituted. There is a fee of $25. These are delivered in 7-10 days.
BetOnline will send a cash transfer in amounts up to $500. The fee is as high as $70. These are processed in 1-2 days.
Winning Poker Network A- (A)
Cashout speeds slipped slightly at Winning Poker Network in the past month. This cashier services Americas Cardroom, Black Chip Poker and True Poker.
The fastest way to get a withdrawal from Winning Poker is by Bitcoin. These are processed in 4-7 days. The fee is 2-3%. Checks are delivered in 4-10 days. These are available in amounts up to $2,995. The fee is $65 but players may receive one free each month.
There have been issues with the Winning Poker debit card. Some players are waiting up to six weeks for a payout. It seems the backlog is starting to clear but there are still some delays. Players must pay $40 to receive the debit card. Each withdrawal has a $4.95 fee. That same amount is charged each month to keep the account open. There is a $3 fee to use an ATM.
Bovada B+ (A-)
Bovada is the largest U.S.-facing online poker room. It is on the Bodog Poker Network. Bovada sat atop our monthly report for more than two years. Its speeds have slipped slightly while at the same times its competitors have improved payment processing.
Bovada is the only U.S. site in the top five in terms of traffic that does not issue withdrawals by Bitcoin. This option is only available for deposits at this time.
The fastest way to get a withdrawal from Bovada is by check. These arrive in 4-14 days. The fee is $50. Checks are available in amounts up to $3,000.
Bank wires arrive in 1-2 weeks. The fee is $50 in addition to any charged by the name handling the transaction. The maximum withdrawal by bank wire is $9,500.
Visa Fast Funds places a withdrawal directly into the bank account of the associated debit card. The times for this method have slowed in recent weeks. Expect to wait up to one month for a Visa Fast Funds transaction to be delivered into the bank account. The fee for this method is $50.
Bovada offers one free withdrawal per month. Players with Visa Fast Funds as an option are encouraged to use this method for the free withdrawals. Others may use it for a check or wire.
Merge Gaming B (B-)
The situation continues to improve at Merge Gaming. This cashier processes payments for PlayersOnly, Sportsbook.AG and Carbon Poker.
Checks are delivered in about two to three weeks. The maximum amount is $2,500. The fee is 3% of the transaction. This is waived one time each year.
Bitcoin withdrawals are processed in 1-3 days. The fee is 3-5% of the transaction. The maximum amount for a Bitcoin withdrawal is $5,000.
SWCPoker B- (B-)
SWCPoker is the second generation of SealsWithClubs, the first major Bitcoin-only poker site. SWCPoker’s appeal has diminished due to the spread of Bitcoin to most other U.S.-facing sites.
SWCPoker processes withdrawals in less than 12 hours. We give it a lower grade due to the lack of other options.
Full Flush Poker D- (D)
It was just two months ago that our outlook on Equity Poker and Full Flush Poker was positive due to new management and several recent reports of withdrawals. Unfortunately, the number of reports of withdrawals has trickled down to almost zero. The only method players are getting paid through is cash transfer. The maximum amount is $400. The fee is $70. These arrive in about one month.
There have been no reports of withdrawals through other methods. Some players state that check and ewallet withdrawals have been pending for six to nine months. This includes players outside the U.S. We recommend avoiding Full Flush Poker at this time due to its struggles to process payments.
I received a Moneygram payout from Full Flush Poker of $291 on April 7. The withdrawal amount was $330, which is the maximum. In other words, the fee was $39. Where are you getting your information to assign such grades?
swc is indeed the fastest and they played there for over a year now I have got my cashout in as little as 30 minutes before they are very reputable and deserve my credit